Thursday, January 26, 2012

Splashes of Color

Being in Pleasantville-esque Naperville, I spend my days surrounded by home schooled kids (at the library) and stay-at-home moms (at Starbucks) - not that there's anything wrong with that! But it strikes me as amusing, since I know if I were in the middle of any large city (DC, Chicago), I would see much more of the homeless and unemployed hipster variety.

Being unemployed is a two sided coin - it blows hard. But on the other hand, you have time and mental space to read, explore blogging, try new recipes, try new adventures (which you know I love) and really focus on my core. What, at my core, am I about? What, at my core, do I want to do with my life? Who am I - at my core, without my description words or my job or my apartment or even my relationships - who am I?

To snap you out of my hamster wheel of self-discovery, I invite you to read Unemployed in your 20's. When in a new city, it is always helpful to ask friends if they have friends in said new city that they will share with you. My best friend shared two of her Chicago-based friends with me (isn't she nice?!) One I will tell you about later. The other is the writer of this aptly titled blog, Kill Your 20's and will make you giggle. We have our second playdate on Wednesday, because adult interaction is important 1. when unemployed, 2. when stuck in your own hamster wheel of self-discovery, 3. when new to a city and 4. for not becoming mistaken for one of those home schooled kids at the library. 

So I am taking my unemployment spin (second in a year and a half - don't judge me) to really dig into what I love to do - and that, my friends, is photography. I will write more later, but I wanted to liven up this blog with some photographs that aren't of peas and bacon. So please enjoy, some splashes of color on this dreary Chicagoland Thursday in January. :)

Said hipsters.

Too many questions here - but I am thinking of inventing expandable sponge ships that you insert in an empty wine bottle, drop some water in and voila, the sponge ship grows to full ship-in-a-bottle size.

She really would.

So happy and colorful.

From the title above - I just love how the bald albino ladies are posing.

I call this ladies who lunch, but perhaps it's actually "unemployed play date ladies"?

Loosen up your buttons baby. No really, I love the playfulness of this store's window design.

Door 'stopper' in an old row house in DC.

Absolutely love old furniture with so much character.

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